Sunday, November 1, 2009

Post Halloween pics

Have a lot of things to update, but here is a quick video to tide you all over.

Haven't figured out how to caption them in a slide show. Janelle, Jamie and Angie and Jenna and Anika, Nat and Noah and Jack, all came down for Halloween fun. We did a lot of greeting and ate a lot of candy (Noah and I had to dispose of all candies which had peanuts in them, not because of allergies, but because they are good).

Sam continues to grow, mostly in the cheeks we think. He sometimes sleeps well. Zach has been great and still loves "his baby" and is a great help. Gina contiues to love her job and boss, Dave likes his new 50% scientist / 50% stay at home dad gig. Hope all is well.

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